EGit Synchronize ChangeSet – a small step ahead

This is  actually a really small step, because I only manage to display list of commits between two selected branches/tags (as you can see on this screen shot):

<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-629" title="egit-synchronize-change-set" src="https://luksza More×1.trans.gif” data-lazy-src=”×300.jpg” alt=”” width=”223″ height=”300″ srcset=”×300.jpg 223w, 382w” sizes=”(max-width: 223px) 100vw, 223px” />But for me it is a great success, after more then a week of fighting with Team Framework API, with was actually designed for centralized version control system.

Actually this list isn’t even sorted properly, listed commits doesn’t contains any data/child  … but I think that right now things should goes faster then it was before, because I think that I’ve got idea of change set’s.

What should be done? All commit’s should be assigned to root node with should represent repository (this is in  case if someone will be synchronizing multiple repositories at a same time). Commit’s should contains list of changes with proper path representation: project (if it is included in this repository), folder (and java packages if it is a java project) and finally files that was changed in this particular commit.