The 33rd Degree is another conference in English in Poland, next to GeeCON. This year both conferences are located in Krakow.
For me choosing between GeeCON (with I was attending two times) and 33rd degree wasn’t so easy. Finally, as you can see, I’ve decided to go on 33rd Degree (same as my collages from NCDC). There was two main reasons why I’ve made such decision. First of all 33rd Degree has more lectures (there are 4 parallel tracks) and I find most of them interesting for me. Lucky the lectures I want to attend doesn’t overlap currently and I hope that this would not change ;). Secondly, as I mentioned before I was on GeeCON already I and know what can I suspect from it, the 33rd is something new I and want to give it a try
So, see you on 33rd Degree!