From React-Native to Flutter in 531 Commits

Here is a recording of my FlutterLDN talk about ReactNative and Flutter.

First commit for the HabitChallenge app was created on 27th of July 2017. Back then there were no other choices than to go with react-native and JavaScript.

Since then I did 3220 commits and 244 releases. App was downloaded over 140k times on Google Play and AppStore.

I am considering this a huge success, taking into account that HabitChallenge is my first mobile app and I did virtually no marketing for it!

Long story short on 7th of August 2019 I have decided to start from scratch with Flutter taking all my learning from react-native and writing every single widget and feature once again.

After 531 commits (yes, this is the actual number of commits from git history) on 24th of December, HabitChallenge 5.0 was released on Google Play!

In the talk I am comparing side by side the same widgets implemented in react-native and Flutter. This is a unique real world comparison of two technologies that lets you achieve the same effect… but with different cost.

Which one do you think is more efficient? React-Native? Flutter? You will know my conclusion after watching the talk on YouTube!

EGit and friends @ Warsjawa 2010

This is a next opportunity for all persons that understood polish 😉 to hear a little bit about EGit and git-connected-software. This time I’ll be speaking at Warsjawa conference, more information about it can be found at

Because of time limitation I’ll only cover EGit and connected software like  gerrit, I’ll skip the git introduction part, but will try to give some quick overview about it during presentation. I think that this is a good opportunity to get familiar with some ideas of distributed version control systems.

EGit @ JUG Szczecin

On 28th of October I’ll be giving presentation about EGit 0.10 0.9 (and Git in general) on Szczecin JUG meeting. The official announcement can be found on Szczecin’s JUG mailing list (it’s in polish).

This would be my second presentation (first one was at Poznań Eclipse DemoCamp) and it will be quite similar to first one, since they all covers the same topic ;). Of course it will cover new features of 0.10 0.9 release.

So if you would be near by and would like to hear about EGit in polish feel free to join us 😉