EGit and friends @ Warsjawa 2010

This is a next opportunity for all persons that understood polish 😉 to hear a little bit about EGit and git-connected-software. This time I’ll be speaking at Warsjawa conference, more information about it can be found at

Because of time limitation I’ll only cover EGit and connected software like  gerrit, I’ll skip the git introduction part, but will try to give some quick overview about it during presentation. I think that this is a good opportunity to get familiar with some ideas of distributed version control systems.

EGit ChangeSet shows staged and working tree changes

Actually this is quite old feature because it is available in nightly builds since two or more weeks. But I think that is worth mention, because it give a possibility to review current index and working tree status at the same time.

Staged and working tree changes in Synchronize view
To activate this feature simply mark “Include local uncommited changes in comparison” in synchronize dialog and all staged and changed files will be shown in Synchronize view.

EGit @ JUG Szczecin

On 28th of October I’ll be giving presentation about EGit 0.10 0.9 (and Git in general) on Szczecin JUG meeting. The official announcement can be found on Szczecin’s JUG mailing list (it’s in polish).

This would be my second presentation (first one was at Poznań Eclipse DemoCamp) and it will be quite similar to first one, since they all covers the same topic ;). Of course it will cover new features of 0.10 0.9 release.

So if you would be near by and would like to hear about EGit in polish feel free to join us 😉

Merge support in JGit/EGit 0.9

According to this post of Christian Halstrick and those two commits: 1 2. The upcoming version of JGit and EGit would have merge support! The previous stable version (0.8) had only support for fast-forward merge; all non fast-forward merges must be done using CGit, now all kinds of merge can be done using EGit UI.

The 0.9 version would have more cool features eg. History view improvements, branch and tag dialog improvements and (of course) support for Synchronize view. Say tuned for a full list of new and noteworthy that will be published in upcoming days.

EGit Synchornize ChnageSet – implemented!

Finally! I’ve implemented ChangeSet support in EGit! It looks almost the same as I was imagine it before I’ve started coding. The reality and Team API turn out much more complicated then I was thinking of it before Summer Of Code. But hours days of debugging and analyzing code of Team Framework, CVS integration plugin and “Example FileSystem” project finally give me some reasonable results. Apart from code analysis I’ve implemented four or five (I’ve published only two of them 1, 2) different approaches for this problem, all of them had some weakens and issues that latest implementation seams to solve. But now it is unimportant, the most important thing right now is to get this feature merged into EGit as fast as it is possible, another important thing is … the feature list! 😉

Current implementation shows Git Change Set next to “normal change set”. In my humble opinion this should be changed in the feature; Git Change Set view should be set as default view for synchronization for git, because in git we track changes on repository level and cannot import only part of commit. Above Git Change Set we have node that represent repository, if we launch synchronization for more then one repository there would be more nodes on this level. Inside repository node we have list of commits that occurs between two selected points (branches of versions). Every commit is described by text label with contains first 6 characters from commit SHA-1 and first line of commit message. Commits are sorted chronologically, most recent commits are on the top. Inside commit we have list of changes that are associated with this commit. Double click action on file element will launch ChangeEditor window with will display changes that were made between two most recent commits (this one and it parent).

Here is a screenshot how it looks in real world:

It shows list of changes between current HEAD and tag v0.8.4 … from height of scrollbar in Synchronize window we can guess that upcoming 0.9.0 release will contain lots of cool new features and bug fixes 😉 ;>

Currently I didn’t manage display change direction (does it is incoming, outgoing or conflicting) I’ll work on that in nearest feature. Another think that I was unable to achieve is “proper resource handling” eg. displaying java packages as this JDT does, to be honest I don’t know that this is achievable but I’ll try … dome day ;). Next think is context menu and merge/commit/overwrite actions, for now didn’t even think about it, but it also should be done in nearest feature.

What is your opinion about this new feature? Maybe you see something that should be changed, removed or improved? Please, let me know … feedback is strongly appreciated! 😉