Recently we have huge moments in Java oriented area in Szczecin. W had JDK7 launch party … and now we (as a Szczecin Java User Group) are organizing all day long Android workshops. More information you can found on our mailing list and registration page.
Huge performance boost for EGit sync-view
For last few days I was working on EGit Synchronize View performance, especially on Workspace presentation model (the Git Change Set is next on my list ;)). My starting point was 1m 40s to compare two linux kernel versions, v2.6.36 versus v2.6.38-rc2. Such result seams to be very good, but you need to know that it was achived on SSD hard drive and comparing to regular HDD it would be much worst (maybe more then 3 or 4 minutes).
What can be improved ? Fist of all, current implementation whenever it is asked for members of particular folder it opens repository* and read data directly from it. Of course there is a cashing mechanism, but it is only on single resource level. Therefore when you are launching synchronization on repository that have about 300 folders, current implementation will create and configure 300 connections* to repository to read data and then will cache it.
So, my idea was to create only one connection*, read all data at once and put them into global cache. This cache will be used whenever any list of members for given folder will be required. This approach gives about 2.5x performance boost to synchronization (from 1m 40s down to 40s). This result looks much better and maybe on HDD this action will take less then 2 minutes … but this isn’t over
Reading members of folder is one thing, but getting information about particular file (it is changed, added or removed and does this change is incoming, outgoing or conflicting) is another. Currently we are reusing default implementation of SyncInfo class from Team Framework. This is really good implementation … when you cannot obtain such information from version control system. In Git we have SHA-1 for each file and folder version and we didn’t have to compare file contents to check they are similar or not, comparing SHA-1 is sufficient. This should save lots of CPU time, disk IO’s and developer time waiting for synchronization to finish ;).
Now when I already have cache that contains list of all changed resources it was natural thing to add information about change type to it. Then whenever Team Framework need to know change type it can be easily obtained from this cache … no IO’s are needed, no comparison just read from in-memory-cache and return proper value.
I’m sure that you are wondering how fast synchronization can be now … I can only that it is REALLY fast … as you can remember my stating point was 1m 40s, now same comparison will finish in less than 7s!! This means that now synchronization will be 14 times faster then before! What this means for a regular user? Well, it meas that you will get results of ‘Synchronize Workspace‘ action almost instantly.
Unfortunately, mentioned above changes are sill awaiting for review in gerrit, you can grab them from change #3891 and build it locally. I hope this will be included in 1.1 release …
* jgit uses concept of walks (with filters) through repository, but I’ve used more commonly recognized terminology here
Java7 Launch Party @Szczecin
Szczecin Java User Group is organizing a Launch Party event for JDK7. There would be a short introduction of new features in Java lanuage and API’s presented by Filip ‘Filus’ Pająk. Filip will be also speaking about Java7 syntax support in popular IDE’s like InteliJ Idea and Eclipse IDE.
As usually on ours meeting there would be drawing of licenses for JRebel and InteliJ Idea. This time we have also cool Java7 T-Shirts for all attendees.
Registration isn’t required but it would be nice if you can join this event on facebook (here you can also find mode details about this event).
Drag-and-Drop staging/un-staging in Git Change Set model
The EGit 1.0 will be officially released in upcoming days, but I’ve already started to working on version 1.1. Today I would like to demonstrate you a feature that I was recently working on. To be honest the main idea of this functionality comes from my GSoC 2010 proposal, but I didn’t manage to implement it … until now ;), so what it is?
The post title should told you everything about it … but (if not) I’ve also prepared a screencast that is embedded above where you can clearly see how it works in real environment.
I know that in version 1.0 the Staging view was introduced, to be honest, I don’t think that separate view for staging is really needed. But I don’t have anything against it, it looks cool and works properly ;). Also I don’t see anything bad with having this functionality doubled in Git Change Set model and give users possibility to choose between both of them.
I’ve pushed this feature (and all dependent changes) yesterday. This is quite huge change so I think that we’ll iterate few times with it before it will be merged into master, but I hope it will be included in 1.1.
As always feel free to share any ideas and comments!
Eclipse DemoCamp Poznan 2011
Same as year ago, I’ll be presenting some new features in Eclipse on DemoCamp Poznan.
This time I’ll be mainly speaking about code review and how this process can be handled from Eclipse. Everything will be based on Gerrit Code review, I’ll also show Gerrit Jenkins/Hudson integration by Gerrit Trigger, another used project will be mylyn-reviews and last but not least will be (of course) EGit tadalafil 20mg price. All those projects will be mixed up together to give an quick overview of Code Review 2.0
If you are interested in, please “register” on event wiki page.
See you in Poznan!
Here you can find my presentation slides.