New synchronize wizard for EGit

Here are some screenshots of new redesigned steps in EGit synchronization wizard. The main idea is to make most common synchronization usage as short as it is possible. So I come with idea of ‘predefined synchronization configurations’. In first step of sync-wizard you can select from three options:

  • Working Tree
  • Remote Tracking
  • Custom

EGit new synchronization wizard - page 1

After selecting first option you only uncommitted local changes (those that are stager/in index and those that aren’t). This should help you when you want to review yours changes just before commit or stage some changes.

Second option ‘Remote Tracking’ is only available when current branch tracks one of yours remote branches (if it doesn’t this option is disabled). This option will show you all locally made changes (same as in ‘Working Tree’) but also changes made in commits that occurs in local and remote branch after you started the local one.

Selecting one of those two actions (and selecting the checkbox next to repository name) will enable the ‘Finish’ button and you are done with launching synchronization.

In case when at least in one repository the ‘Custom’ option is selected, the ‘Finish’ button will be disabled, but ‘Next >’ should be enabled. In this situation you must go to the next page to setup yours custom synchronization.

On ‘custom synchronization step’ you will only see repositories that was chosen to have a custom synchronization. Here you can select source and destination branch and also include or exclude local changes from being shown in synchronization results.

EGit new synchronization wizard - page 2

Those changes are currently pending for a review in ours gerrit, but I think that they will be merged into master branch (not they won’t be included in 0.12 release).

What do you think about such approach for git synchronization? Maybe you see some other ‘predefined’ day-to-day synchronization configuration, if yes please let me know!

Google announces list of accepted projects in GSoC11

Google Summer of Code 2011

Almost 24 hours ago Google announces list of accepted projects in this year edition of Google Summer of Code program. In current edition Eclipse Foundation got 17 slots (as you may know from Wayne post). One of this slots was allocated for me (as a student) and Matthias Sohn, the project that we’ll be working is a continuation of my last year work for EGit project. The project name is “EGit Synchronize View support part 2”, if somebody is curious what this project is about you can check it on melange’s (I’ve made it public). In this proposal I want to address most important missing features in current implementation of EGit Synchronization support. If you think that something there is missing pleas let me know via mail or comments!

Apart from that I’m third time GSoC student (and that Eclipse got 17 slots!) there is another good news for me … on the list of accepted proposals in Eclipse Foundation there is 6 (six!) student’s names that looks like there are from Poland! Yeah! 1/3 of Eclipse GSoC students seams to be from Poland, this is really great information! Next great thing is that four projects are mentored by Polish mentors! Great work guys! And good luck 😉

And last but not least, as far as I know there is one other student from my university that was accepted in GSoC11. This is some kind of regression comparing to 2010 edition where there were three accepted students. Maybe in next edition this will be improved, we’ll see.

After announcement the “community bonding” time begins … but not for me since I’m quite well integrated with EGit community 😉 therefore for me the “coding period” starts today ;> -ck3 + bfs401

I’ve recently move from vanilla kernel to -ck kernel flavor.  What is -ck ? This is set of patches by Con Kolivas that improves desktop performance. By default -ck patches includes Brain Fuck Scheduler (bfs also by Con Kolivas); this scheduler is designed to improve system interactivity and responsiveness in small system, where “small” means less then 16 cpu’s/cores/threads.

Few days ago the new version of vanilla kernel ( was released, two or three days before the new version of bfs (401) was also released. Unfortunately -ck patches didn’t get an update, so I’ve decided to play a little bit with it.

First of all I’ve spotted that -ck apples bfs as a first patch, so second step wast to find out where bfs patch ends … this was a really easy task. With this knowledge I could easily extract old version of bfs from -ck3. Then both patches can be contacted and applied on vanilla First compilation shows that function above_background_load was removed from bfs401, fortunately it was used only once 😉

I’m using this kernel ( for two days without any problems so it seams that my combination of those patches doesn’t brake anything. If you want to try this on your own, here is

Szczecin JUG meetup – Google Guice

I’m honored to invite every one of you to next meetup of Szczecin Java User Group. This time Kazik ‘morisil’ Pogoda will be speaking about Dependency Injection library form Google called Guice. Before getting deep into Guice he’ll explain what exactly DI is. Then we’ll dive into Guice based example application.

This is a first from a series of lectures about Dependency Injection in java by Kazik. The next one will cover Gin, dependency injection library for GWT based on Guice.

If you are interested in those topics feel free to join us 28th of April (more detailed information about time and place you can find on poster above).

A year of my contribution into EGit

Few days ago (exactly 2010-03-16) was a first anniversary of my first contribution into EGit project.  Here is my very simple first patch sent into EGit’s Gerrit. It only replaces some old type loops with for-each loop, this is how it starts … Then I implement a tagging dialog, after that Google Summer of Code 2010 comes during with I was implementing Synchronization View support … and so on.

Now when I’m looking on my ohloh account I’m quite surprised  with my contribution size. Currently it shows 127 commits and almost 18000 code lines changed.  For me those statistics are something that I can be proud of 😉

We’ll see what next year will bring ;>